
Ethics-quotes to inform and inspire your decisions.

Donna Rae Scheffert

Donna Rae Scheffert, author, is a retired Leadership Development Specialist from the University of Minnesota Extension. She spent over 20 years creating leadership information, tools and training. She enjoys collecting ethics-quotes.

Quotable Quips on Ethics

If you plant for a season, plant budgets. If you plant for a decade, plant reorganization, If you plant for a century, plant people (R.G.H. Siu)

Managers want power, and they want trust; but rarely do they know how to get both. Without power, they can’t get today’s job done. Without trust, they can’t get tomorrow’s job done. Faced with the choice, most managers chose power. However, without both trust and power, there is no long-term effectiveness for the organization. This forces managers to act schismatically; they Espouse Trust and practice Power. (Samuel Culbert & John McDonough)

Persons with integrity are trusted with leadership, executing our collective values and goals and making decisions that affect us all. They exemplify human values despite enormous pressures toward expediency and self-interest. Such individuals who have achieved respected leadership positions are held up as examples for all to follow. Yet there are few guidelines for educators on what really distinguishes such and individual’s path to integrity from that of another, or how to educate for personal growth. (Marica Mentkowski)

It seems to me as I reviewed the literature that, with few exceptions, the more confident were the prescriptions about how to behave with ethics and integrity, the further removed was the author from the life and work of the everyday manager. (Steven Kerr)

Integrity is not a character trait that one possesses more or less of but a sophisticated state of processing experience in the world one enters into in varying degrees. Integrating is a major developmental task at every stage of life. (David A. Kolb)

“A small group of thoughtful people could change the work. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

The moral climate of any organization, larger than that of the individual, is created hour by hour through the multitude of choices and behaviors of its members. Rushworth Kidder

Many roads open pathways to authenticity. For some it is disciplined practice, for others revelation, for others service. Regardless of how we get in touch with authenticity or how authenticity gets in touch with us, the engagement is ongoing and forever challenging. Dr. Robert Terry, Zone Leadership, 2000

Leadership Tools

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Donna Rae Scheffert

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